Our sustainability
Updated: February 2024
The key focus of our business is making a positive, significant contribution to tackling the climate emergency. We do this by supporting the brands that are making the biggest changes, through effective communication of their messaging and efforts to grow their customer base.
It’s important to us that we walk the talk, too. Which is why we’re conscious of our effects on the environment, both as individuals and as a wider team. To get a peek into how we’re reducing our impacts on the Earth, explore our sustainability commitments below.
Donate at least 3% of revenue to environmental charities

> We regularly donate to Eden Reforestation Projects and 1% For The Planet.
> We support local environmental action through our platinum partnership with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust; sponsoring local environmental projects such as nature reserves and school partnerships.
> We endeavour to raise further funds through fundraisers and challenges to increase the amount we contribute to charities.
> We offer our employees extra paid holidays for climate activism and volunteering.
Never fund fossil fuels

> We never work with brands who provide unsustainable or unethical business practices, services, or products.
> We refuse to hold our money with banks that invest in fossil fuel or environmentally destructive projects. Instead, we opt for the sustainable bank, Charity Bank, which finances climate mitigation projects.
> We hold all our employee pension plans with PensionBee’s Fossil Fuel Free Plan.
100% renewable energy

> We do not use gas in our office, we instead opt for 100% renewable electricity.
> We have invested in the Twemlows Solar Farm, through Shropshire and Telford Community Energy.
> We minimise our use of energy where possible.
Reduce, reuse and recycle

> We only purchase pre-owned office equipment–including technology such as laptops and monitors, and furniture including desks and chairs.
> We source recycled or low-impact products for staff and office use including stationary or cleaning supplies.
> We reduce or reuse all our waste where possible, and recycle all cardboard, plastic, cans and bottles when they reach the end of their life.
> We don’t purchase any single-use plastics or batteries for our office.
Use public transport
or cycle
or cycle

> We travel to the office, client meetings, and conferences by public transport or bike wherever possible.
> We limit unnecessary travel whenever possible, only attending necessary conferences and substituting in-person meetings with video calls.
> We encourage home working for our employees to reduce transport emissions.
> We offer a Cycle to Work scheme for our employees to save money on commuting bikes and equipment.
The full list of the steps we've made to lower our environmental impact…
Community Engagement
We have invested in the Twemlows Solar Farm, to take solar power into community ownership.
We have provided pro bono services to local non-profit environmental organisations.
We are members of 1% For The Planet, and we donate 3% of revenue to environmental charities.
Our chosen charity is the Eden Reforestation Project, who restore forests on a huge scale worldwide.
We promote sustainable actions through staff training programs.
We offer employees extra paid holidays for climate activism and volunteering.
Office and Workspace Sustainability
We recycle all cardboard, cans, plastic and ink cartridges.
We avoid single-use plastics.
We use energy-efficient LED lighting and appliances.
We only buy pre-owned or reclaimed office furniture.
We only buy pre-owned laptops and monitors to reduce the production of electronics and batteries.
We opt for natural light to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
We reduce paper usage by opting for digital documentation and signatures. When necessary, we use recycled paper and other supplies.
We use notepads made from cork and recycled paper.
We use sustainable and non-toxic cleaning products.
Energy Efficiency
We are constantly improving the efficiency of how we work–more efficiency often equals less carbon emissions.
We set office thermostats to save energy when we’re not in the building.
We turn off computers and other equipment when not in use.
We enable power-saving features on computers and monitors.
Sustainable Marketing Practices
We host our website on Cloudflare – one of the best rated hosts for using green energy. Check if your website host uses renewable energy here.
We optimise our website and our clients’ websites to reduce carbon emissions.
We have signed the Clean Creatives pledge to decline contracts in the fossil fuel industry.
We educate clients on sustainable marketing practices.
Client Education
We educate clients on sustainable design and branding.
We encourage clients to support eco-friendly causes.
We advise clients on using sustainable hosting and web practices.
We promote eco-friendly ad targeting strategies.
We don’t place ads on unethical websites or platforms.
Reducing Travel
Wherever possible, we substitute in-person meetings with video calls.
We travel to all conferences by train.
We walk, cycle, or use public transport to commute wherever possible.
We offer a cycle-to-work scheme for employees to subsidise costs of buying and maintaining a commuting bike.
Our savings are held in sustainable banks (Charity Bank) who invest in projects tackling climate change, and don’t invest in fossil fuel projects.
Our pensions are with PensionBee’s Fossil Fuel Free Plan.
As well as continuing with the steps above, we endeavour to take these steps in the near future…
We’re organising an environmental event in Shrewsbury in 2024 (more on this soon).
We are launching the Green Web Project–offering free website optimisation to green businesses to help them reduce their carbon emissions.
Frequently asked Questions
What industries do your clients work in?
We work with clients across a huge range of industries–from vegan skincare brands and sustainable house clearance companies to non-profit environmental organisations and charities.
The crucial factor for us is that our clients have a focus on sustainability and are actively contributing to making the world a better place.
What is your minimum retainer fee?
We typically suggest a minimum monthly fee of £1,530 for ongoing SEO services or £850 for ongoing PPC management.
All clients are unique, so we’d be happy to discuss your specific needs.
Do you work on one-off projects or monthly retainers?
We’ve helped clients on single projects like website design and builds, keyword research reports or strategy development.
However, we typically work with our clients on a retainer basis, delivering ongoing business growth and performance optimisation.